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What is Envision Hanover?
Throughout 2022 and 2023, Hanover County worked with residents, businesses, landowners, and other community members to update its long-range vision for the future.
The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range guide for growth and development, establishing a vision of what Hanover County could look like in twenty years. The plan addresses a variety of topics, including land use, housing, economic development, and natural resources. It identifies objectives and strategies that can be implemented to realize the community’s vision. Visit the Project Resources page to view the final version of the plan (adopted September 27, 2023).
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Project Timeline
This is a multi-year effort, and there will be several opportunities to provide your input. Use your scroll wheel or hover over the arrows to scroll through the timeline. Some events in the timeline have links that lead to supporting materials or web pages.
A series of open houses and drop-in events were held in February, where stakeholders identified existing needs and provided feedback that will be used to develop an overarching Vision Statement. Future engagement opportunities are listed here.
Subscribe and/or Share Ideas!
We need your help to ensure that Envision Hanover is built on a foundation of citizen involvement. Check out our Get Involved page to understand the many ways to participate in this process. Use the form below to subscribe for emails and/or provide comments. You can also provide comments by emailing
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